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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Grip Tips

The golf grip is the foundation with which we build a swing around. It is imperative that the grip be fundamentally sound and feel cozy in the golfers hands. Whichever grip a golfer uses, the hands should always be kept together (touching) so that they function in unison and operate more as one unit rather than two. Of the five elements of the 'set up' (grip, alignment, stance, posture, ball position), the grip is the most important.

Those taking up the game would be well advised to seek instruction regarding the set-up, and particularly the grip. A poor grip is often tough to change, especially if someone has been using the wrong grip for an extended period of time. Before a beginner gets in the habit of using an incorrect grip and setting it into their muscle memory, they should seek out the proper form so that a solid foundation is established.

Just like anything else in golf, the grip becomes automatic after enough practice and reinforcement. Initially however, the beginner should keep a club handy at all times so that they can check their grip often and assure that it is correct. I tell students to keep a club next to their couch at home so that they can check their grip at night as they're relaxing with some music or television.

There are only three grips that people should choose from (aside from the putting grip, which has countless variations). All grips should consist of the right hand being below the left hand on the club (for right handers):

1. The Baseball grip.
Hands on the grip similar to how they would be on a baseball bat. Hands next to each other and touching, but no interlocking or overlapping of fingers. Most popular with kids, women, beginners, and seniors

2. The Overlap (or 'Vardon') grip.
Pinky finger of right hand rests in the notch between the forefinger and middle finger of the right hand. Most popular with low handicap players, players with large hands, and professional golfers.

3. The Interlock grip.
Similar to the overlap, but the pinky finger of the right hand interlocks between the forefinger and middle finger of the right hand and the forefinger of the left hand interlocks between the pinky finger and ring finger of the right hand. Most popular with players with smaller hands and average to professional golfers (this is the grip that both Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus use).

I am partial to the Interlock Grip because I feel that this gets the hands best working harmoniously and as a single unit. The Overlap grip is more popular with professionals but it feels a little too 'loose' in my hands. If you have trouble being too 'right hand dominant' when swinging, then the Overlap might be best, as it makes it difficult to apply too much grip pressure with the right hand.

Grip pressure should be light (about a six on a scale of one to ten), but a bit more firm with the pinky, ring, and middle finger on the left hand, and with the middle finger of the right hand. This is because the left hand should be the more dominant hand in the golf swing and if the three fingers on the left hand are not firm enough the grip can separate from the hands at the top of the backswing (as well as causing the right hand to become too dominant). Grip pressure should never be too firm with the forefinger and thumb of the right hand, as this will cause the right hand to turn over the left hand excessively during impact and hook the ball.

The thumb and forefinger of each hand form a 'V' when they are on the grip. This 'V' should point somewhere between the chin (a weak grip) and the right shoulder (a strong grip). Take a strong grip to draw the ball and a weaker grip to fade the ball.

It is amazing how subtle grip changes can alter ball flight, so don't be afraid to play around with hand placement when practicing at the driving range. A strong grip makes it easier for the hands to 'turn over' and release through impact (thereby drawing or hooking the ball). A weak grip makes it more difficult for the hands to turn over and produces a fade or slice.

I fight the hook in my own golf swing. I find that merely gripping more lightly with the forefinger and thumb of my right hand allows me to swing about as hard as I want to without hooking the ball, because the hands will not turn over as easily when I release the club down the target line. This has really helped me swing without the fear of the dreaded duck-hook.

In summary, if you are a beginner, focus on getting comfortable with a fundamentally sound grip that you can keep for life. If you are a more advanced golfer, experiment with grip pressure and hand position and notice how both can alter ball flight.

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