Everybody has a unique swing that is all their own. I don't like to try and change anyone's swing too drastically, but there are certain 'checkpoints' that I believe are fundamental to the full swing that golfers should be aware of. The following bulletpoint analysis consists of my thoughts and opinions concerning how the full swing should be executed:
> First and foremost, the golfer must set up properly. Grip, alignment, stance, posture, and ball position are the elements of the set-up that must be in place before the swing even begins.
> Secondly, remember that the type of swing we make depends on the club in our hands. A full swing with a sand wedge will differ significantly from the full swing with a driver. Let's assume for the sake of this article that we're using a seven iron.
> After the golfer has addressed the ball with the correct set-up components in place, it is important to 'remain loose' over the ball before making the swing. Waggle the club, flex and unflex the knees slightly and keep the arms and hands loose and limber and ready to make an athletic move. I like to look down the target line as I waggle the club and envision the shot I am hoping to achieve. Not moving around, or 'freezing' at address will only cause tension and restrict a free movement.
> The best way to get momentum going one direction is to begin by making a subtle movement in the opposite direction. This is called the 'forward press' and I believe it's a good idea to impliment. Harvey Penick uses the analogy of a bucket of water in your hands. If you were to bring it straight back as you would a golf club, you would shift it forward just barely right before the movement back in order to get the momentum going. The same is true of a golf club. I tilt the grip forward very subtlely just before bringing the club back (a bit more pronounced with the longer clubs). You have to look pretty hard to even notice it.
> I believe in the 'one piece takeaway'. That is, the only movement initially on the takeaway is a rotation of the shoulders which causes the chest and arms to come back. There should be no immediate cocking of the wrists or hand rotation until the clubhead comes past the rear foot. If you envision the triangle that is formed by the chest and arms at address (and remember that the arms should be kept close to each other at set-up and during the swing), picture simply moving the triangle to the right as you would for a chip shot.
> After the clubhead comes past the rear foot, begin to fan the clubface open so that when the shaft of the club is parallel to the ground on the backswing the toe of the clubhead is pointing straight up in the air (this is true with any club besides the putter). When the club is in this position, the shaft should be parallel to the target line and the body line. It should also be between the target line and body line, with the butt end of the club pointing just left of the intended target.
> The body weight should follow the direction of the club on the backswing. That is, as the club comes back, the body weight should begin to load up on the right side of the body. Remember to pivot on to the right leg, don't 'sway' away from the ball. Swaying moves the head and spine away from the ball, which is a swing killer.
> The next movement after the 'parallel to the ground position' on the backswing is to get into the 'L' position. Simply cock the wrists so that the thumbs come up and point upwards. Remember that when cocking the wrists, they should hinge 'up' and never side to side. The left arm should be kept relatively straight, but not rigid. When the left arm is parallel to the ground on the backswing, an 'L' is formed with the left arm and shaft of the club. The butt end of the club should point towards the ball along the target line and more weight should have shifted to the right side as a result of the club moving back. If the left heel begins to come up as a result of the weight transfer, that's ok; just don't try to force it up.
> At this point (the 'L' position on the backswing), the golfer's left shoulder should be just left of, and under, the chin. The hips should have turned away from the target about twenty degrees (much less than the shoulders turn), and the left arm should be parallel to the target line and body line (which is a considerably more upright takeaway than many beginners take, as they attempt to bring the club too far inside the target line on the way back).
> From the 'L' position, the golfer should begin to bring the club inside the target line back around the body (more so for a longer club, less for a more lofted club). They should bring the club as far back as they can while still maintaining a fairly straight left arm, but not so far back that the shaft of the club goes past parallel (to the ground). If the club is brought back to parallel then it should again be parallel to the target line and body line. However, it is not necessary to bring the club back this far and at all costs the golfer should not force a bigger backswing than they're comfortable with (a shorter backswing actually creates more torque and clubhead speed anyway).
> At the top of the backswing (or, the 'transition point'), the thumb of the left hand should be directly under, and supporting, the grip. The wrists should be fully hinged and about seventy percent of the golfer's body weight should have loaded up on the right side. At this point the golfer should be looking directly over their left shoulder.
> There is a feeling of 'weightlessness' when the club is in the transition point. Resist the urge to grip tighter at the top and do not force the club down with the arms. The first move from the top should be a transfer of weight to the left foot, then a feeling of body weight moving into the left leg, then a clearing of the hips towards the target. The arms and club should simply fall down as a result of the uncoiling motion as the hips clear and body weight transfers.
> The checkpoints on the backswing remain true on the downswing, if not just inside the target line with relation to where the club was on the backswing (you want to come a little bit 'inside the target line' on the way down in order to release the club just 'outside the target line' after impact).
> Resist 'flipping' the clubhead at the ball at impact. Rather, delay the unhinging of the wrists and let the clubhead release just after impact. This delay will help the clubhead 'lag' through the contact area and keep the clubhead square for a longer period of time.
> At contact, the hands should be slightly ahead of the clubhead and the hips should have cleared about forty-five degrees towards the target. The right heel should begin to come up as the body weight transfers dramatically onto the left side.
> Keep the eyes down until after the clubhead releases towards the target. Look for the spot where the ball was before it was hit before looking at where it is going. Release the clubhead down the target line, making sure the right hand is rolling over the left hand at impact.
> Let the 'triangle' that is formed by the chest and arms move to the left without bending either arm during the release. Allow the centrifigul force to carry down and through and commit to keeping the clubhead traveling down the target line until the shaft of the club gets back to the 'parallel to the ground' position on the follow through.
> At this point (shaft parallel to the ground on the follow through), the toe of the club should again point directly up in the air (this is the indication that a full release has been made) and the club should again be parallel to the target line and body line and pointing just left of the intended target.
> As the golfer follows through and brings the club back up, the right shoulder should bring the head up and the golfer should begin to stand a little straighter as they turn to face the target. They will feel a good amount of torque on their left leg as the body tries to turn around it.
> At the finish, the belt-buckle, chest, and hat brim should all face directly at the intended target with about ninety percent of the body weight having transferred to the left side. The right heel will have come all the way up and the golfer will be balancing on their right toe. The shaft of the club should (ideally) touch the back of the neck. Hold the finish until the ball lands (for balance).
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