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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Focus when it counts

Hitting a golf ball takes tremendous focus and self-discipline. During a round of golf, there is very little time spent actually swinging a club at a ball, so it is important to shut out all distractions when setting up for a shot. It is easy to maintain the same frame of mind during a round (laughing with playing partners, joking around, light banter, etc.) but this will not produce good results. While it is good to remain somewhat loose and relaxed when swinging the club, all focus should be on executing the desired shot.

Put yourself in a focused mind-frame:

When preparing to hit a shot, take deep breaths and clear your mind of any outside distractions. Put all energy towards the task at hand and the process you must go through in order to pull off the desired shot. Any personal issues you may have must be temporarily put on the back burner (because these issues are often so consuming that it is difficult to execute a golf shot because they creep into the mind).This can be easier said than done, but it becomes easier with a little practice.

Visualize the shot you want to hit:

As you stand behind the ball and pick out your target line, imagine the exact ball flight you are hoping to achieve with your forthcoming shot. See it flying through the air with any intended curvature, and see it landing at the precise spot you want it to, and rolling to the ultimate target. This will increase the likelihood of success because the focus is on what you want to happen, not what you don't want to happen.

Look at a small spot on the golf ball when setting up:

As you approach the ball and prepare to hit, pick a dimple or small spot on the gall ball to focus on. Look at this spot as you take the club-head away, during your back-swing, and during your downswing. This will train your eyes to stay steady and narrow your focus on the ball. While making sure to look at the ball is great advice, looking at a very small spot on the ball will help you hone in even better.

Loosen up and enjoy the in between times:

Most of a round will consist of NOT hitting a golf ball. So, enjoy yourself. Take in the surroundings, enjoy your playing partners, laugh, and have a good time. Just remember that when it comes time to hit the ball, it's game time, so put on your game face. Allow your body to be free of tension and keep your muscles moving so that they are ready to make an athletic motion, but keep your mind sharp and think about the shot you are trying to hit.

Focus when it counts for better results. Have fun out there!